Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Settler's Privateer Boots of Lyssa

Defense: 139

Settler's stats:
  • +40 Toughness
  • +28 Condition Damage
  • +28 Healing Power

icoMajor Rune of Lyssa

  • (1): +15 Precision
  • (2): +3% Condition Duration
  • (3): +30 Precision
  • (4): When you use a heal skill you gain a random boon for 6 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)

Skin: Privateer Boots


Medium armor


Required Level: 80

Vendor value: 198

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

Soulbound on acquire

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgE4pgAA]

Skin: Privateer Boots

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