Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Soldier's Benthic Waterbreather of the Afflicted

Defense: 86

Soldier's stats:
  • +53 Power
  • +38 Toughness
  • +38 Vitality

icoMinor Rune of the Afflicted

  • (1): +10 Condition Damage
  • (2): +4% Bleeding Duration

Skin: Benthic Waterbreather


Medium armor

Helm Aquatic

Required Level: 80

Vendor value: 248

Not salvageable

Soulbound on use

6 y


Sell price: 48068
Buy price: 29194
Flip profit 40 %: 11664
Supply: 291
Orders: 198

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgEDuwAA]

Skin: Benthic Waterbreather

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