Zealot's Emblazoned Shoulders
Defense: 97
Zealot's stats:- +45 Power
- +32 Precision
- +32 Healing Power
Skin: Emblazoned Shoulders
Medium armor
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 240Account bound on use
Soulbound on use
Craft price (approximate): | 5268 |
External links
Official Wiki link: | wiki.guildwars2.com |
Game link: | [&AgGHwgAA] |
Skin: Emblazoned Shoulders

Recipe: "Zealot's Emblazoned Shoulders"
![]() ![]() Zealot's Emblazoned ShouldersDefense: 97 Zealot's stats:
Skin: Emblazoned Shoulders Medium armor Shoulders Required Level: 80 Vendor value: 240Account bound on use Soulbound on use | x1 Zealot's Emblazoned Shoulders | 5268 | Level - 400 |
Zealot's Intricate Gossamer Insignia
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Power, +Precision, and +Healing.
Vendor value: 64Account bound on use
x1 Zealot's Intricate Gossamer Insignia 45047 Level - 400 -
Bolt of Gossamer
Crafting Material
Refined from Scraps.
Vendor value: 8x5 Bolt of Gossamer 160 140 Level - 400 Gossamer Scrap
Crafting Material
Refine into Bolts.
Vendor value: 8x2 Gossamer Scrap 28
Spool of Gossamer Thread
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 8x20 Spool of Gossamer Thread 1560 Glob of Ectoplasm
Salvage Item
Vendor value: 256x5 Glob of Ectoplasm 1110 -
Watchwork Mechanism
Crafting Material
Refined from Watchwork Sprockets.
Vendor value: 50Not salvageable
x1 Watchwork Mechanism 33237 9 Level - 400 Watchwork Sprocket
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 13x500 Watchwork Sprocket 9
Hardened Shoulderguard Padding
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hardened Leather Shoulders.
Vendor value: 7x1 Hardened Shoulderguard Padding 21 16 Level - 400 -
Bolt of Gossamer
Crafting Material
Refined from Scraps.
Vendor value: 8x1 Bolt of Gossamer 32 28 Level - 400 Gossamer Scrap
Crafting Material
Refine into Bolts.
Vendor value: 8x2 Gossamer Scrap 28
Spool of Gossamer Thread
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 8x1 Spool of Gossamer Thread 78
Hardened Shoulderguard Panel
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hardened Leather Shoulders.
Vendor value: 7x1 Hardened Shoulderguard Panel 7788 52 Level - 400 -
Cured Hardened Leather Square
Crafting Material
Refined from Sections.
Vendor value: 8x2 Cured Hardened Leather Square 9096 52 Level - 400 Hardened Leather Section
Crafting Material
Refine into Squares.
Vendor value: 8x2 Hardened Leather Section 26