Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Shaman's Scallywag Greaves of Dwayna

Defense: 136

Shaman's stats:
  • +33 Vitality
  • +24 Condition Damage
  • +24 Healing Power

icoSuperior Rune of Dwayna

  • (1): +25 Healing
  • (2): +10% Regeneration Duration
  • (3): +50 Healing
  • (4): 25% chance when struck to gain regeneration for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 45s)
  • (5): +100 Healing
  • (6): +20% regeneration duration; when you use a heal skill, you and all nearby allies gain regeneration for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 10s)

Skin: Scallywag Greaves


Heavy armor


Required Level: 65

Vendor value: 220

Soulbound on use

6 y


Sell price: 9858
Buy price: 5058
Flip profit 66 %: 3321
Supply: 64
Orders: 88

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgFVAwAA]

Skin: Scallywag Greaves

Upload image for Skin: Scallywag Greaves