Mini jackal pups are handcrafted with specially selected runes to be the perfect eternal puppy.
Combine 2 red and 1 yellow jackal pup with 4 unidentified dyes in the Mystic Forge to create a Mini Blue Jackal Pup.
Combine 1 red and 2 yellow jackal pups with 4 unidentified dyes in the Mystic Forge to create a Mini Green Jackal Pup.
Не разбирается
Mini jackal pups are handcrafted with specially selected runes to be the perfect eternal puppy.
Combine 3 yellow jackal pups with 2 unidentified dyes in the Mystic Forge to create a Mini Red Jackal Pup.
Не разбирается
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time. Combine in the Mystic Forge to get a larger mini snowball.
Цена продажи вендору: 256Не разбирается
Материал для крафта
Used to purchase rewards from Wintersday vendors in Divinity's Reach.
Цена продажи вендору: 49Exotic
Материал для крафта
Used to craft Wintersday items and purchase rewards from Wintersday vendors in Divinity's Reach.
Цена продажи вендору: 25Masterwork
Used in crafting, or can be salvaged into powder.
This rose quartz appears to have shattered into powder while mining the Kralkatite, but it may still be useful.