Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Ravaging Glyphic Longbow of the Hydromancer

Weapon Strength: 492 - 578

  • +84 Precision
  • +118 Condition Damage

icoMinor Sigil of Hydromancy

  • Damage nearby foes and chill them for 1 second when you swap to this weapon while in combat.
    (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)

Skin: Glyphic Longbow


Long Bow

Damage type: Physical

Required Level: 56

Vendor value: 147

Soulbound on use

6 y


Sell price: 1047
Buy price: 314
Flip profit 183 %: 576
Supply: 54
Orders: 278

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgFAhwAA]

Skin: Glyphic Longbow

Upload image for Skin: Glyphic Longbow