Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Recipe: Major Rune of Tormenting


Crafting Recipe

Double-click to learn a recipe.

Vendor value: 12

Account bound on use

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgFrrgAA]

For this recipe, you can create:

ico Major Rune of Tormenting

Major Rune of Tormenting

  • (1): +15 Condition Damage
  • (2): +6% Torment Duration
  • (3): +30 Condition Damage
  • (4): +9% Torment Duration


Double-click to apply to a piece of armor.

Required Level: 60

Vendor value: 30
x1 Major Rune of Tormenting 199989359 Level - 325
ico Recipe: Major Rune of Tormenting

Recipe: Major Rune of Tormenting

Crafting Recipe

Double-click to learn a recipe.

Vendor value: 12

Account bound on use