Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Endless Mystery Quaggan Tonic



The aroma of sea breezes and simpler times wafts from the bottle. Use its self-replenishing contents to transform into...something.

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

6 y


Sell price: 5096
Buy price: 1528
Craft price (min): 137490
Craft price (max): 313670
Craft profit (min): - 312371
Craft profit (max): - 133158
Flip profit 183 %: 284
Supply: 1060
Orders: 1632

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgF4wwAA]


Mystic Forge recipe can give out a random item, we recommend to verify information with an official Wiki before crafting.

Recipe: "Endless Mystery Quaggan Tonic"

ico Endless Mystery Quaggan Tonic

Endless Mystery Quaggan Tonic


The aroma of sea breezes and simpler times wafts from the bottle. Use its self-replenishing contents to transform into...something.

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

x1 Endless Mystery Quaggan Tonic 5096313670
  • ico
    ico Endless Black Quaggan Tonic

    Endless Black Quaggan Tonic


    Double-click to transform into a quaggan for fifteen minutes. You will be unable to fight while transformed.

    Not salvageable

    x10 Endless Black Quaggan Tonic 122970
  • ico
    ico Endless Blue Quaggan Tonic

    Endless Blue Quaggan Tonic


    Double-click to transform into a quaggan for fifteen minutes. You will be unable to fight while transformed.

    Not salvageable

    x10 Endless Blue Quaggan Tonic 66
  • ico
    ico Endless Green Quaggan Tonic

    Endless Green Quaggan Tonic


    Double-click to transform into a quaggan for fifteen minutes. You will be unable to fight while transformed.

    Not salvageable

    x10 Endless Green Quaggan Tonic 28120
  • ico
    ico Endless Pink Quaggan Tonic

    Endless Pink Quaggan Tonic


    Double-click to transform into a quaggan for fifteen minutes. You will be unable to fight while transformed.

    Not salvageable

    x10 Endless Pink Quaggan Tonic 101980