Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Superior Sigil of Mischief

  • Launch up to 4 blinding snowballs at foes in front of you when you swap to this weapon in combat.
    (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)



Double-click to apply to a weapon.

Required Level: 60

Vendor value: 216
6 y


Sell price: 8961
Buy price: 7621
Craft price (approximate): 1112
Supply: 1536
Orders: 42333

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgFUCwEA]


Mystic Forge recipe can give out a random item, we recommend to verify information with an official Wiki before crafting.

Recipe: "Superior Sigil of Mischief"

ico Superior Sigil of Mischief

Superior Sigil of Mischief

  • Launch up to 4 blinding snowballs at foes in front of you when you swap to this weapon in combat.
    (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)


Double-click to apply to a weapon.

Required Level: 60

Vendor value: 216
x1 Superior Sigil of Mischief 89611112
  • ico
    ico Major Sigil of Mischief

    Major Sigil of Mischief

    • Launch up to 2 blinding snowballs at foes in front of you when you swap to this weapon in combat.
      (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)


    Double-click to apply to a weapon. Can be upgraded in the mystic forge with snowflakes, dust, and mystic coins.

    Required Level: 39

    Vendor value: 18
    x4 Major Sigil of Mischief 65972172496
    • ico
      ico Minor Sigil of Mischief

      Minor Sigil of Mischief

      • Launch a blinding snowball at a foe in front of you when you swap to this weapon in combat.
        (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)


      Double-click to apply to a weapon. Can be upgraded in the mystic forge with snowflakes, dust, and mystic coins.

      Vendor value: 16
      x4 Minor Sigil of Mischief 4204 Level - 400
      • ico

        • ico x10
      • ico
        ico Snowflake


        Crafting Material

        Used to craft Wintersday items and purchase rewards from Wintersday vendors in Divinity's Reach.

        Vendor value: 25
        x4 Snowflake 1
      • ico x1
    • ico
      ico Mystic Coin

      Mystic Coin


      Coins are used to create high level weapons at the mystic forge in Lion's Arch. Part of Zommoros' favorite trades.

      Vendor value: 50

      Not salvageable

      x4 Mystic Coin 4234
    • ico
      ico Tiny Snowflake

      Tiny Snowflake


      Double-click to convert into Snowflakes.

      Vendor value: 6
      x4 Tiny Snowflake 80
    • ico
      ico Pile of Glittering Dust

      Pile of Glittering Dust

      Crafting Material

      Vendor value: 3
      x4 Pile of Glittering Dust 340
  • ico
    ico Mystic Coin

    Mystic Coin


    Coins are used to create high level weapons at the mystic forge in Lion's Arch. Part of Zommoros' favorite trades.

    Vendor value: 50

    Not salvageable

    x4 Mystic Coin 4234
  • ico
    ico Pristine Snowflake

    Pristine Snowflake


    Double-click to convert into Snowflakes.

    Vendor value: 21
    x4 Pristine Snowflake 588
  • ico
    ico Pile of Incandescent Dust

    Pile of Incandescent Dust

    Crafting Material

    Vendor value: 11
    x4 Pile of Incandescent Dust 1148