Gold Tequatl Trophy
A decoration schematic that is processed by the guild's assembly device to make the decoration.
Not usable in the Mystic Forge
Not salvageable
Account bound on use
Soulbound on acquire
Craft price (approximate): | 121794 |
External links
Official Wiki link: | wiki.guildwars2.com |
Game link: | [&AgGvLwEA] |
Recipe: "Gold Tequatl Trophy"
![]() ![]() Gold Tequatl TrophyGeneric A decoration schematic that is processed by the guild's assembly device to make the decoration. Not usable in the Mystic Forge Not salvageable Account bound on use Soulbound on acquire | x1 Gold Tequatl Trophy | 121794 | Level - 400 |
Grandmaster's Finishing Kit
Crafting Material
Used to craft decorations.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Grandmaster's Finishing Kit 121794 Level - 400 -
Grandmaster's Scribing Kit
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Grandmaster's Scribing Kit 2154 Level - 400 -
Ancient Wood Pen
Crafting Material
Crafted from dowels and nibs.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Ancient Wood Pen 264 Level - 400 -
Orichalcum Nib
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Orichalcum Nib 6 Level - 400 -
Orichalcum Ingot
Crafting Material
Refined from Ore.
Vendor value: 8x3 Orichalcum Ingot 6 618 Level - 400 Orichalcum Ore
Crafting Material
Refine into Ingots.
Vendor value: 8x2 Orichalcum Ore 26
Orichalcum Plated Dowel
Crafting Material
Used to craft Inscriptions which are used in weapon crafting.
Vendor value: 29x1 Orichalcum Plated Dowel 245 204 Level - 400 -
Ancient Wood Plank
Crafting Material
Refined from Logs.
Vendor value: 8x2 Ancient Wood Plank 1420 144 Level - 400 Ancient Wood Log
Crafting Material
Refine into Planks.
Vendor value: 8x3 Ancient Wood Log 72
Orichalcum Ingot
Crafting Material
Refined from Ore.
Vendor value: 8x3 Orichalcum Ingot 6 618 Level - 400 Orichalcum Ore
Crafting Material
Refine into Ingots.
Vendor value: 8x2 Orichalcum Ore 26
Grandmaster's Ink Set
Crafting Material
Created with crystal bottles and pigments.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Grandmaster's Ink Set 11520 Level - 400 Crystalline Bottle
Crafting Material
Used to make ink sets. Purchased from master scribes.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x2 Crystalline Bottle -
Master's Ink Set
Crafting Material
Created with crystal bottles and pigments.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Master's Ink Set 7450 Level - 300 Crystalline Bottle
Crafting Material
Used to make ink sets. Purchased from master scribes.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x2 Crystalline Bottle -
Journeyman's Ink Set
Crafting Material
Created with crystal bottles and pigments.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Journeyman's Ink Set 6380 Level - 225 Crystalline Bottle
Crafting Material
Used to make ink sets. Purchased from master scribes.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x2 Crystalline Bottle -
Fine Ink Set
Crafting Material
Created with crystal bottles and pigments.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Fine Ink Set 4560 Level - 150 Crystalline Bottle
Crafting Material
Used to make ink sets. Purchased from master scribes.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Crystalline Bottle -
Basic Ink Set
Crafting Material
Created with crystal bottles and pigments.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Basic Ink Set 3890 Level - 75 Crystalline Bottle
Crafting Material
Used to make ink sets. Purchased from master scribes.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Crystalline Bottle -
Simple Ink Set
Crafting Material
Created with crystal bottles and pigments.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Simple Ink Set 3180 Crystalline Bottle
Crafting Material
Used to make ink sets. Purchased from master scribes.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Crystalline Bottle Jug of Water
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 1x1 Jug of Water 10 Pouch of Brown Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Brown Pigment 3170
Pouch of Red Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Red Pigment 710
Pouch of Yellow Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Yellow Pigment 670
Pouch of Blue Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Blue Pigment 980 Pouch of Orange Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Orange Pigment 840
Pouch of Purple Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Purple Pigment 4 Pouch of Yellow Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Yellow Pigment 670
Pouch of Black Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of Black Pigment 2980 Pouch of White Pigment
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 6x10 Pouch of White Pigment 1090
Bag of Crystalline Blotting Powder
Crafting Material
Used to make scribing kits.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x1 Bag of Crystalline Blotting Powder 6030 Level - 400 Pile of Crystalline Dust
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 37x5 Pile of Crystalline Dust 5625 -
Resonating Lodestone
Crafting Material
Crafted from resonating cores by scribes.
Vendor value: 8x3 Resonating Lodestone 570 45 Level - 400 -
Resonating Core
Crafting Material
Crafted from resonating fragments by scribes.
Vendor value: 7x3 Resonating Core 315 135 Level - 300 -
Resonating Fragment
Crafting Material
Crafted from resonating slivers by scribes.
Vendor value: 5x3 Resonating Fragment 15 45 Level - 150 Resonating Sliver
Crafting Material
Earned by completing guild missions and dailies, and by mining the ore node in guild halls.
Vendor value: 3x3 Resonating Sliver 15
Sheet of Ultrafine Sandpaper
Crafting Material
Used to craft decorations.
Vendor value: 16Account bound on use
x5 Sheet of Ultrafine Sandpaper 7770 Level - 400 -
Sheet of Premium Paper
Crafting Material
Crafted from wood pulp and cloth. Used to make scrolls and books.
Vendor value: 16x1 Sheet of Premium Paper 954 3548 Level - 400 -
Ancient Wood Pulp
Crafting Material
Refined from planks.
Vendor value: 4Account bound on use
x5 Ancient Wood Pulp 3510 Level - 400 -
Ancient Wood Plank
Crafting Material
Refined from Logs.
Vendor value: 8x1 Ancient Wood Plank 710 72 Level - 400 Ancient Wood Log
Crafting Material
Refine into Planks.
Vendor value: 8x3 Ancient Wood Log 72
Jug of Water
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 1x1 Jug of Water 10 -
Bolt of Gossamer
Crafting Material
Refined from Scraps.
Vendor value: 8x1 Bolt of Gossamer 32 28 Level - 400 Gossamer Scrap
Crafting Material
Refine into Bolts.
Vendor value: 8x2 Gossamer Scrap 28
Pile of Coarse Sand
Crafting Material
Filtered out of Silky Sand.
Vendor value: 13x60 Pile of Coarse Sand 6
Vial of Linseed Oil
Crafting Material
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 17x18 Vial of Linseed Oil 10386 93870 Level - 400 Pile of Flax Seeds
Crafting Material
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 9x20 Pile of Flax Seeds 5160 Milling Stone
Crafting Material
Used to process flax seeds into linseed oil and cassava root into cassava flour.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 9x5 Milling Stone 55 Milling Basin
Crafting Material
Used to grind flax seeds and cassava roots.
Vendor value: 7Not salvageable
Account bound on use
x1 Milling Basin