Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Square of Vabbian Silk


Crafting Material

Refined from small amounts of wool, cotton, linen, and silk weaving thread.

Vendor value: 80
6 y


Sell price: 49931
Buy price: 421
Craft price (approximate): 29022
Flip profit 1 %: 341
Supply: 960
Orders: 185

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgGHOwEA]

Recipe: "Square of Vabbian Silk"

ico Square of Vabbian Silk

Square of Vabbian Silk

Crafting Material

Refined from small amounts of wool, cotton, linen, and silk weaving thread.

Vendor value: 80
x1 Square of Vabbian Silk 4993129022 Level - 500
ico Recipe Book: Grandmaster Craftsman's Components

Recipe Book: Grandmaster Craftsman's Components

Crafting Recipe

This book teaches you how to craft various components needed to craft the tokens for Ascended vendors.

Vendor value: 160

Not salvageable

Account bound on use

  • ico
    ico Bolt of Wool

    Bolt of Wool

    Crafting Material

    Refined from Scraps.

    Vendor value: 3
    x10 Bolt of Wool 58705780 Level - 75
    • ico
      ico Wool Scrap

      Wool Scrap

      Crafting Material

      Refine into Bolts.

      Vendor value: 3
      x2 Wool Scrap 578
  • ico
    ico Bolt of Cotton

    Bolt of Cotton

    Crafting Material

    Refined from Scraps.

    Vendor value: 5
    x5 Bolt of Cotton 115012 Level - 150
    • ico
      ico Cotton Scrap

      Cotton Scrap

      Crafting Material

      Refine into Bolts.

      Vendor value: 5
      x2 Cotton Scrap 240
  • ico
    ico Bolt of Linen

    Bolt of Linen

    Crafting Material

    Refined from Scraps.

    Vendor value: 6
    x10 Bolt of Linen 69106120 Level - 225
    • ico
      ico Linen Scrap

      Linen Scrap

      Crafting Material

      Refine into Bolts.

      Vendor value: 6
      x2 Linen Scrap 612
  • ico
    ico Spool of Silk Weaving Thread

    Spool of Silk Weaving Thread

    Crafting Material

    Used in the weaving of damask.

    Vendor value: 80

    Not salvageable

    Account bound on use

    x1 Spool of Silk Weaving Thread 15972 Level - 450