Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Black Lion Exclusives Chest



Double-click to choose a Black Lion Chest exclusive item. Once chosen, the item will be account bound. Choose one of the following items: - Grasping Phantom Glider - Mini Celestial Rooster - Infinirarium Glider - Candelabra Staff Skin - Bitterfrost Vantage Point - Noran's Safe Room Pass and Key - Elemental Sword Skin - Sworn Zaishen Helm Skin - Hounds of Balthazar Mail Carrier

Vendor value: 192

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

6 y


Sell price: 6309999
Buy price: 4032
Flip profit 33 %: 1333497
Supply: 17
Orders: 466

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgESQgEA]