Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire – Announcement Trailer

Flask of Utility Primer

(2 h):

Any utility item consumed while the primer is active will have the same remaining time as the primer, rounded up to the next hour. Does not stack.



Vendor value: 25

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

Account bound on use


Craft price (approximate): 1135

External links

Official Wiki link:
Game link: [&AgFYUwEA]

Recipe: "Flask of Utility Primer"

ico Flask of Utility Primer

Flask of Utility Primer

(2 h):

Any utility item consumed while the primer is active will have the same remaining time as the primer, rounded up to the next hour. Does not stack.


Vendor value: 25

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

Account bound on use

x1 Flask of Utility Primer 1135 Level - 400
ico Recipe: Flask of Utility Primer

Recipe: Flask of Utility Primer

Crafting Recipe

Double-click to unlock the artificer recipe for Flasks of Utility Primer.

Vendor value: 11

Not usable in the Mystic Forge

Not salvageable

Account bound on use