Embellished Ornate Ruby Jewel
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 248Soulbound on use
Garnet Pebble
Required Level: 10
Vendor value: 19Fine
Defense: 109
Berserker's stats:Minor Rune of Melandru
Skin: Cabalist Gloves
Light armor
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 119Soulbound on use
Defense: 104
Berserker's stats:Minor Rune of the Centaur
Skin: Reinforced Scale Boots
Heavy armor
Required Level: 62
Vendor value: 16Soulbound on use
Crafting Material
Crafted from resonating slivers by scribes.
Vendor value: 5Basic
Weapon Strength: 637 - 719
Shaman's stats:Skin: Reclaimed Scepter
Damage type: Choking
Required Level: 76
Vendor value: 63Fine
Crafting Material
Used to craft insignias, which are used in armor crafting.
Vendor value: 8Basic
Double-click to apply to an unused infusion slot. Used by artificers to craft more powerful agony infusions.
Vendor value: 330Not salvageable
Use to construct a guild trebuchet build site. It is more powerful than a standard trebuchet and displays your guild emblem. Range 10,000. Requires 100 supplies to complete.
Vendor value: 1Not salvageable
Weapon Strength: 133 - 156
Skin: Pistol
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 12
Vendor value: 9Basic
Weapon Strength: 155 - 171
Skin: Iron Greatsword
Damage type: Physical
Vendor value: 11Fine
Double-click to apply to an item with an unused upgrade slot.
Required Level: 20
Vendor value: 24Fine
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 42Rare
Double-click to unlock this dye color for all characters.
Vendor value: 5Fine
Crafting Material
Refined from Ore.
Vendor value: 7Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hardened Leather Boots.
Vendor value: 7Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Iron Helms.
Vendor value: 3Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Jute Wristguards.
Vendor value: 2Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Longbows.
Vendor value: 8Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hammers.
Vendor value: 8Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Necklaces.
Vendor value: 2Basic
Nourishment (30 m):
+80 Precision +60 Condition Damage +10% Experience from Kills
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 30Fine
Nourishment (30 m):
+80 Vitality +60 Toughness +10% Experience from Kills
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 30Fine
Crafting Material
Required Level: 20
Vendor value: 3Basic
Defense: 20
Skin: Embroidered Sandals
Light armor
Required Level: 15
Vendor value: 20Fine
10 Slots
Vendor value: 17Basic
Double-click to open.
Vendor value: 7Basic
Weapon Strength: 802 - 886
Berserker's stats:Major Sigil of Grawl Slaying
Skin: Steam Speargun
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 297Soulbound on use
Weapon Strength: 699 - 820
Zealot's stats:Skin: Elonian Firelight
Damage type: Choking
An upgraded version of this can be crafted using recipes purchased throughout the Crystal Desert.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 198Soulbound on use
Crafting Material
Used to craft legendary weapon shards.
Vendor value: 83Ascended
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time.
Vendor value: 50Not salvageable
Crafting Material
Used in crafting WvW guild upgrades.
Vendor value: 7Masterwork
Crafting Material
Crafted from wood pulp and cloth. Used to make scrolls and books.
Vendor value: 9Fine
Crafting Material
Crafted from resonating cores by scribes.
Vendor value: 8Basic
Crafted by weaponsmiths, this tool is used to mine ley-line rocks.
Vendor value: 32Basic
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make an ascended heavy breather with Rabid (+Condition Damage, +Precision, and +Toughness) stats.
Vendor value: 45Not salvageable
Weapon Strength: 634 - 673
Shaman's stats:Skin: Reclaimed Focus
Damage type: Choking
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 66Fine
Double-click to apply to a piece of armor.
Required Level: 60
Vendor value: 65Exotic
Crafting Material
Refine into Sheets of Ambrite.
Vendor value: 46Rare
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make an ascended inscription for crafting weapons with Zealot's (+Power, +Precision, +Healing) stats.
Vendor value: 160Not salvageable
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make a powerful back item aligned to Dwayna.
Vendor value: 45Not salvageable
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Vitality, +Condition Damage, and +Healing.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 66Exotic
Salvage Item
Vendor value: 126Rare
Use to construct a guild catapult build site. It is more powerful than a standard catapult and displays your guild emblem. Range 4,000. Requires 40 supply to complete.
Vendor value: 1Not salvageable
Crafting Recipe
Double-click to learn a recipe
Vendor value: 11Not salvageable
Weapon Strength: 701 - 823
Carrion stats:Skin: Steam Bow
Long Bow
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 99Fine
Weapon Strength: 143 - 158
Skin: Iron Sword
Damage type: Physical
Vendor value: 8Fine
Weapon Strength: 184 - 196
Skin: Iron Dagger
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 14
Vendor value: 19Fine
Weapon Strength: 197 - 209
Skin: Iron Dagger
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 17
Vendor value: 21Fine
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 37Rare
Crafting Material
Vendor value: 3Fine
Double-click to unlock this dye color for all characters.
Vendor value: 5Fine
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time.
Vendor value: 5Rare
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time.
Vendor value: 1Masterwork
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Power and +Precision.
Vendor value: 8Fine
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Power, +Ferocity, and +Vitality.
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 28Masterwork
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Precision, +Condition Damage, and +Power.
Required Level: 75
Vendor value: 16Fine
Crafting Material
Refined from Sections.
Vendor value: 2Basic
Salvage Item
Vendor value: 256Exotic