Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Power, +Ferocity, and +Precision.
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 42Rare
Nourishment (1 h):
+100 Expertise +70 Condition Damage +10% Experience from Kills
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 15Fine
Weapon Strength: 192 - 217
Skin: Soft Wood Staff
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 13
Vendor value: 27Fine
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time.
Vendor value: 50Not salvageable
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time.
Vendor value: 50Not salvageable
Meal Feast: Double-click to set out a Feast of Truffle Ravioli to share with anyone in the area. Feast stays active for 5 minutes.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 66Masterwork
Double-click to open.
Vendor value: 29Basic
Soup Feast: Double-click to set out a Pot of Lemongrass Poultry Soup to share with anyone in the area. Pot stays active for 5 minutes.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 66Masterwork
Weapon Strength: 876 - 1029
Rampager's stats:Superior Sigil of Accuracy
Skin: Ruinmaker
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 264Soulbound on use
Nourishment (30 m):
Gain 200 Power When Health above 90% +10% Experience from Kills
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 33Fine
Crafting Material
Component for Leatherworker's Backpack
Vendor value: 64Exotic
Embellished Brilliant Azurite Jewel
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 297Soulbound on use
Double-click to open.
Vendor value: 22Basic
Meal Feast: Double-click to set out a Pot of Mushroom and Asparagus Risotto to share with anyone in the area. Pot stays active for 5 minutes.
Required Level: 75
Vendor value: 66Masterwork
Nourishment (30 m):
Gain 200 Condition Damage When Health Is above 90% +10% Experience from Kills
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 33Fine
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Precision, +Condition Damage, and +Power.
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 42Rare
Double-click to open.
Vendor value: 29Basic
Embellished Brilliant Azurite Jewel
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 248Soulbound on use
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make ascended heavy gloves with Sinister (+Condition Damage, +Power, and +Precision) stats.
Vendor value: 160Not salvageable
Defense: 120
Knight's stats:Skin: Gladiator Boots
Heavy armor
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 165Soulbound on use
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Vitality and +Toughness.
Required Level: 50
Vendor value: 34Rare
Double-click to unlock this dye color for all characters.
Vendor value: 50Rare
Crafting Recipe
Double-click to learn a recipe.
Vendor value: 27Fine
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hardened Leather Boots.
Vendor value: 7Basic
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Power and +Precision.
Required Level: 50
Vendor value: 34Rare
Crafting Material
Created from rare physical components.
Vendor value: 80Ascended
Crafting Recipe
Double-click to learn a recipe.
Vendor value: 18Exotic
Crafting Recipe
Double-click to learn a recipe.
Vendor value: 18Exotic
Used in statue crafting. Earned at the Temple of Kormir in Orr.
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Healing Power, +Toughness, and +Condition Damage.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 50Rare
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time. Combine in the Mystic Forge to get a larger mini snowball.
Vendor value: 256Not salvageable
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make an ascended heavy breather with Soldier (+Power, +Vitality, and +Toughness) stats.
Vendor value: 45Not salvageable
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make an ascended heavy breather with Berserker (+Power, +Ferocity, and +Precision) stats.
Vendor value: 45Not salvageable
Weapon Strength: 260 - 276
Minor Sigil of the Night
Skin: Krytan Dagger
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 26
Vendor value: 56Soulbound on use
Coffee Feast: Double-click to set out a Feast of Roasted Lotus Root to share with anyone in the area. Feast stays active for five minutes.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 66Masterwork
Dessert Feast: Double-click to set out a Tray of Spicy Chocolate Cookies to share with anyone in the area. Tray stays active for 5 minutes.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 66Masterwork
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Power, +Ferocity, and +Vitality.
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 42Rare
Weapon Strength: 139 - 153
Skin: Glyphic Spear
Damage type: Physical
Required Level: 1
Vendor value: 9Fine
Use to construct a guild siege golem build site. It has a lower supply cost than the alpha siege golem. Range 225. Requires 50 supply to complete.
Vendor value: 1Not salvageable
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hardened Leather Gloves.
Vendor value: 7Basic
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Healing Power, +Toughness, and +Condition Damage.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 33Masterwork
Mini Pet
Double-click to summon this mini to follow you around. Only one mini may be in use at a time.
Vendor value: 50Fine
Crafting Material
Used to craft Greatswords.
Vendor value: 8Basic
Double-click to apply to a weapon.
Vendor value: 58Masterwork
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hardened Leather Shoulders.
Vendor value: 7Basic
Crafting Material
Used to craft Hammers and Spears.
Vendor value: 8Basic
Meal Feast: Double-click to set out a Feast of Mushroom Pizzas to share with anyone in the area. Feast stays active for 5 minutes.
Required Level: 40
Vendor value: 41Masterwork
Used by the Mystic Forge to produce PvP items.
Vendor value: 6Basic
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of weapons with +Power and +Vitality.
Required Level: 50
Vendor value: 34Rare
Consume to unlock this unique Mist Champion skin on your account.
Not usable in the Mystic Forge
Not salvageable
Double-click to apply to an accessory, amulet, or ring with an unused upgrade slot.
Required Level: 80
Vendor value: 264Exotic
Used by the Mystic Forge to produce PvP items.
Vendor value: 6Basic
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make an ascended rifle with Nomad's (+Toughness, +Healing, and +Vitality) stats.
Vendor value: 160Not salvageable
Double-click to apply to a weapon.
Required Level: 60
Vendor value: 216Exotic
Double-click to unlock this dye color for all characters.
Vendor value: 50Rare
Meal Feast: Double-click to set out a Feast of Spicy Lime Steaks to share with anyone in the area. Feast stays active for 5 minutes.
Required Level: 40
Vendor value: 41Masterwork
Crafting Recipe
Double-click to learn a recipe.
Vendor value: 18Exotic
Crafting Recipe
A recipe to make an ascended medium coat with Sinister (+Condition Damage, +Power, and +Precision) stats.
Vendor value: 160Not salvageable
Embellished Ornate Ruby Jewel
Required Level: 65
Vendor value: 248Soulbound on use
Crafting Material
Used in the crafting of armor with +Vitality and +Toughness.
Required Level: 35
Vendor value: 26Rare